Latest Episodes

Supporting Transformation
How we gently support ourselves through transition/transformation. Allowing transformation, stepping through vulnerability creates more love in our lives. Relationships grow and healing ripples out...

Feeling safe and releasing control
Caught in our egoic identity it is impossible to feel safe and whole. Because this life experience is transient and unpredictable. However, as we...

Totems and healing the past
How nature and totems can guide us, sometimes in surprising ways. How we go about healing our past. Also healing anger and resistance.

Neverending Gentleness
The divine essence that we are held in and that we are is always; neverendingly gentle, neverendingly patient, neverendingly loving. Healing is about holding...

Loving our loved ones
The greatest gift we can offer our loved ones is acceptance. If we regularly offer 'advice' we make them feel, what they are, is...

Heal grumpiness, Heal projection
How we compassionately heal grumpiness and irritability. It takes honesty, gentleness and some simple techniques. Practice also helps! I mention the "shakti shake" regularly....