Vulnerability is the hinge on the gate to great power.
IsiraVulnerability is an immense gift. Awakening involves gently letting go of defenses and layers of egoic identity. This feels incredibly vulnerable. However as we open, we allow spirit to flow. An immense power of wisdom and love enriches our lives.
The more we feel spirit , the more we recognize, as spirit we are completely invulnerable, safe and whole.
Caught in our egoic identity it is impossible to feel safe and whole. Because this life experience is transient and unpredictable. However, as we...
The divine essence that we are held in and that we are is always; neverendingly gentle, neverendingly patient, neverendingly loving. Healing is about holding...
How an episode significant back pain was relieved by releasing old conditioning. Pain is affected by our whole physical, psychological and spiritual being. In...